It has come to the attention of RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) (RaySearch) that the company RayClinic AB (publ) (RayClinic) recently has promoted, through advertisements in the media, a new issue of shares directed to the public. In view of the similarity of the names of the two companies and that both companies are active in one way or another in the field of radiation therapy for cancer, RaySearch wishes to make it clear that there is no organizational connection whatsoever between the companies, and that there is no co-operation between the companies either. On the contrary, RaySearch has on numerous occasions declared to RayClinic its strong discontent with RayClinic’s business name, secondary names etc., and demanded that RayClinic discontinue the use of the Ray prefix. This fact does not seem to have been mentioned in RayClinic’s prospectus for the new issue of shares. RaySearch is considering taking legal action against RayClinic. With regard to RayClinic’s prospectus RaySearch would also like to point out the following. There are a number of references in the prospectus to the fact that intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) has its origin in research at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Furthermore it is stated that KI leads the development of IMRT. It is correct that the research on IMRT originated at KI but RaySearch wishes to underline that the efforts by RaySearch over the last few years have in a significant way contributed, and are still contributing, to the development in this field. “It is deplorable that others try to take advantage of RaySearch’s good reputation by using a name so similar to ours” says RaySearch President Johan Löf, and adds “There is an obvious risk that the market and the public mix up the companies or believe that they are part of the same group but, as stated, they are not. I have asked our lawyers to examine this”.