Johan Löf
Founder and CEO
Board member since 2000.
Year of birth: 1969
Other directorships
Several Board assignments for other companies in the RaySearch Group.
Educational background
M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology and Ph.D. from the Department of Medical Radiation Physics at the Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet. As a doctoral student, he worked with mathematical models for optimization of radiation therapy and also developed the prototype for ORBIT.
Professional experience
CEO of RaySearch since 2000.
5,443,084 Class A and 68,393 Class B.

Björn Hårdemark
Deputy CEO
Year of birth: 1977
Educational background
M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology. Awarded the annual excellence scholarship in Engineering Physics in 2003.
Professional experience
Björn Hårdemark wrote his thesis at RaySearch in 2002 and has since held positions as Research Engineer, System Developer, Physicist, Head of Physics and Chief Science Officer at the company until taking office as Deputy CEO in 2015. In 2022, he served as Interim CFO from April to November.
6,000 Class B shares.

Niclas Borglund
Director of Service
Year of birth: 1971
Educational background
Doctor of Physics from Stockholm University.
Professional experience
Niclas Borglund was appointed Director of Service in 2010. He was employed as project manager in RaySearch’s development department in 2006. He was previously employed as a technical consultant at Savantic AB, specialized in software development for high-tech projects.
200 Class B shares.

Lars Jordeby
Year of birth: 1965
Professional experience
Lars Lars Jordeby was appointed Director of Sales and Marketing for Asia-Pacific & Middle East in 2014. He has almost 30 years of experience from sales and marketing in the field of radiation therapy in Europe, Asia and North America in companies including Scanditronix Medical AB, IBA Dosimetry AB, C-RAD AB and ScandiDos AB. Lars is also one of the founders and partners of ScandiNova Systems AB.
1,800 Class B shares

Nina Grönberg
Year of birth: 1978
Educational background
Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics from Stockholm University.
Professional experience
Nina Grönberg was appointed CFO in January 2025. She has extensive experience in finance from several international and listed companies, most recently as CFO in Team Olivia, and prior to that CFO at Duroc.

Kjell Eriksson
Chief Science Officer
Year of birth: 1973
Educational background
M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from Uppsala University.
Professional experience
Kjell Eriksson was appointed Chief Science Officer in 2015. He was employed as a developer at RaySearch in 2001 and became a research engineer when the R&D department was formed in 2003.
20,000 Class B shares.

Peter Kemlin
Director of Sales and Marketing
Year of birth: 1974
Educational background
MSc in Industrial Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology.
Professional experience
Peter Kemlin was appointed Director of Sales and Marketing at RaySearch in 2012. He has extensive experience in medical technology, both as a consultant for Swedish hospitals and from positions in sales and marketing, primarily in radiation therapy. Peter has also served as Trade Commissioner at the Swedish Trade Council.
300 Class B shares (and 1,098 Class B shares via related parties).

Henrik Friberger
Director of Development
Year of birth: 1971
Educational background
MSc in Electronics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Professional experience
Henrik Friberger was appointed Director of Development in 2013. He was employed at RaySearch in 2001 and has worked with software development, team and project management and also managed a team in the Development Department. He was previously employed as a software developer at Pacesetter AB (now St Jude Medical AB) in the field of pacemaker systems.
16,500 Class B shares.

David Hedfors
Quality and Regulatory Affairs Director
Year of birth: 1976
Educational background
MSc in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Professional experience
David David Hedfors was appointed Quality and Regulatory Affairs Director in 2010. He was employed as a developer at RaySearch in 2002 and has also worked as team and project manager.
1,000 Class B shares.

Fredrik Löfman
Head of Machine Learning
Year of birth: 1978
Educational background
MSc in Engineering Physics from Chalmers University of Technology, MSc in Physics from Imperial College and PhD in Applied Mathematics in radiation therapy optimization from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.
Professional experience
Fredrik Löfman did his Ph.D. at RaySearch 2003–2008, after that he worked as a research engineer, developer and project manager of RayStation. Between 2011 and 2017, Fredrik worked at SEB with financial risk modeling. Fredrik re-joined RaySearch in 2017 to start and build up a machine learning department..
1,400 Class B shares.

Petra Jansson
General Counsel
Year of birth: 1973
Educational background
Law degree and LLM from LundUniversity, and Master of Laws from University of Cambridge.
Professional experience
Petra Jansson was appointed GeneralCounsel in 2017. Her previous positions include General Counsel, Head of Compliance and International Relations at EKN, assistant General Counsel at Gambro and lawyer at Mannheimer Swartling.
1,000 Class B shares.

Tove Alteborg
Global HR Manager
Year of birth: 1980
Educational background
MSc in Business Administration and Economics from Stockholm School of Economics.
Professional experience
Tove Alteborg was appointed Global HR Manager in July 2023. Tove has 15 years of experience from a variety of HR roles. Her previous positions include interim CHRO at Skandia, HR Business Partner at Danske Bank and HR Manager at Scania Financial Services.

Carl Filip Bergendal
Board member since 2000.
Year of birth: 1945
Educational background
M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology and MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Professional experience
Carl Filip Bergendal has held a number of senior positions in the Modo Group (1972-1980) and in the medical technology company Stille-Werner (1980-1987), with the two final years as President and CEO. He has worked since 1988 as a certified process manager in Lots® and in this role has also provided support for managers in large and mid-size companies undergoing restructuring processes.
1,021,577 Class A and 139,920 Class B.

Johan Löf
Founder and CEO
Board member since 2000.
Year of birth: 1969
Other directorships
Several Board assignments for other companies in the RaySearch Group.
Educational background
M.Sc. in Engineering Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology and Ph.D. from the Department of Medical Radiation Physics at the Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet. As a doctoral student, he worked with mathematical models for optimization of radiation therapy and also developed the prototype for ORBIT.
Professional experience
CEO of RaySearch since 2000.
5,443,084 Class A and 68,393 Class B.

Britta Wallgren
Board member since 2018.
Year of birth: 1963
Other significant assignments:
Chairman of the Board of Capio St Görans Hospital and Capio Läkargruppen. Board member of theAssociation of Private Care Providers.
Educational background
Registered medical practitioner, specialist in anesthesiology and intensive care, leadership training in health and medical care at the Stockholm School of Economics and Harvard Business School.
Professional experience
CEO of Capio Sweden since 2017 and member of Group management of Ramsay Santé since February 2019. Business area. President and CEO of Capio S:t Görans Hospital 2009–2017 following several managerial roles at the hospital.
5,000 Class B shares, and 2,000 Class B shares via related parties.

Hans Wigzell
Board member since 2004, Chairman since 2022. Professor Emeritus at the Karolinska Institutet in Solna, Sweden.
Year of birth: 1938
Other significant assignments
Chairman of the Board of Rhenman & Partners Asset Management AB and Karolinska Development AB. Boardmember of Valneva SA, Sarepta Therapeutics Inc. Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Academy of Engineering Science.
Educational background
Doctor of Medicine, Registered Medical Practitioner.
Professional experience
Dean of Karolinska Institutet, 1995–2003.
40,000 Class A.

Günther Mårder
Board member since November 2022.
Year of birth: 1982
Other significant assignments
Board member of Spotlight Group, Kunskapsgruppen Sverige (which he also founded), the Swedish Public Employment Service, Lundqvist Trävaru AB and StyrelseAkademien Stockholm. Financial and Industrial Advisor to Beijerinvest and Beijer Ventures and financial advisor to SIBA Invest.
Educational background
MBA from Stockholm School of Economics and additional courses at Harvard University.
Professional experience
CEO of Företagarna 2015–2023. Prior to that, professional experience includes investment economist at Nordnet Bank, Vice Chairman of Better Finance, CEO of Sveriges Aktiesparares Riksförbund and Board member of Aktieinvest FK.
84,551 Class B shares, and 1,850 Class B shares via related parties.