What are the key features of RayCare that set it apart from other oncology information systems?
Swiss Medical Network RayCare Radixact go-live
RaySearch customer Clinique Générale-Beaulieu in Geneva endorses the benefits of going live with RayCare - now fully integrated and in clinical use with Accuray’s Radixact, the latest generation of TomoTherapy platform.
RayCare, RayStation and ProteusONE
Particle Therapy Interuniversity Centre Leuven in Belgium is the first proton therapy clinic in the world with the combination of RayCare and IBA’s single-room proton therapy device Proteus®ONE.
First to use RayCare clinically
Iridium Kankernetwerk, in the Antwerp region, is the largest radiation oncology department in Belgium with its annual 5300 patients. Iridium was first to use the RayCare oncology information system (OIS) clinically.
WEBINAR: Safety & Efficiency in a RayCare – IBA ProteusOne Facility: The Particle Workflow
In this series of RayCare webinars, we invite 3 of our customers from varying proton and photon environments to present their RayCare journey.
WEBINAR: Raystation + Raycare: Rationale And Experience With Cyberknife and Beyond - Frederick Health Radiation Medicine
In this series of RayCare webinars, we invite 3 of our customers from varying proton and photon environments to present their RayCare journey.
WEBINAR: Streamlining Treatment Planning Workflows With Raycare - Iridium Netwerk
In this series of RayCare webinars, we invite 3 of our customers from varying proton and photon environments to present their RayCare journey.
Deep Deeper into RayCare
RayCare brochure
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RayCare 2024A
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Customer videos
Webinar videos

Case study at Iridium
More publications available here.