Budget pressures. Skills shortages. Increasing caseloads. Today’s radiation therapy clinics need to do more with fewer resources. Efficiency is critical, and RayStation’s deeply rooted performance can make a world of difference. RaySearch pioneered many of today’s essential techniques, and we are committed to being first in supporting tomorrow’s advances. From groundbreaking automation to smart tools and blistering calculation speed, RayStation delivers proven efficiency gains and gives you the edge in treatment quality – today, tomorrow and onwards.

* Subject to regulatory clearance in some markets.

The Northern Centre for Cancer Care (NCCC), located at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, is a large facility that serves a population of 2 million people in northeast England. When the center needed to increase operational efficiency to meet the combined challenges of increasing patient numbers and nationwide skills shortages, RayStation® became a central part of the solution. RayStation has enabled the center to do more with existing resources and is now central to the workflow.

Learn how by downloading the case study below.


See how they work with RayStation.

Automating standard procedures enables huge efficiency gains. RayStation makes it easy.

Plan Explorer: Automatically generate many treatment plans for defined clinical goals and combinations of treatment techniques and machines. Filter and browse to find the optimal plan.

Scripting: Create new possibilities beyond standard functions. Automate clinic-specific procedures, such as plan checking.

Automated breast planning: Proven tools for automated generation of tangential breast IMRT plans using heuristic optimization.

Read more about Automated Planning HERE

Simulated organ motion for robust optimization and evaluation.

Protocol management of Pareto plan generation and prescription.

Interpolated contouring using smart brush tool.

Multi-atlas-based segmentation.

Robust constraints for multi-criteria optimization.

Conformal arc planning for photons.

Discover what RayStation tools can do for your workflow. Watch our in-depth webinar below.

There is fast. And then there is RayStation. Decreasing calculation times for VMAT planning – from around 10-17 minutes for optimization and final dose calculation to around 2-4 minutes – significantly increases the fulfillment of clinical goals*. RayStation also offers the possibility to use Monte Carlo dose algorithms**, providing the highest level of accuracy. All calculations are run on GPU to enable outstanding results like those displayed here***.

  • Extremely fast GPU based Monte Carlo dose engine for optimization and final dose of proton PBS plans with calculation times typically under five seconds
  • Collapsed Cone (CC) photon dose calculation engine
  • Singular value decomposition photon dose calculation engine for real-time purposes
  • Efficient Monte Carlo (MC) for electron treatments
  • Pencil-beam algorithm for proton PBS and broad beam techniques
  • PBS carbon and helium dose computation using pencil-beam dose engine and RBE dose computation

See how fast you can calculate dose and optimize for IMRT and VMAT plans in RayStation.

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The effect of planning speed on VMAT plan quality

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We aim to support the broadest range of treatment delivery systems. Recent enhancements include support for TomoTherapy, Mevion Hyperscan technology and uniform scanning on Mitsubishi Electric proton therapy systems.

A constant difficulty encountered in radiation therapy treatment planning is the patient-specific trade-off between ensuring appropriate tumor coverage and avoiding excessive radiation to healthy structures. Such trade-offs are conventionally resolved by manually altering an optimization problem formulation and re-optimizing the treatment plan multiple times. Trial and error of this form is time consuming and even if a treatment plan deemed satisfactory is found, it is not clear if better treatment options exist for the current patient. With rayNavigator, the multi-criteria optimization method in RayStation you can simplify your planning process while improving the quality of your plans.

RayStation’s multi-criteria optimization makes it easy to explore the possibilities and optimize your plan. Choose the parameters to change. Then simply move the sliders for an immediate graphic view of how the plan will be affected.

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Watch how RISO experiences working with multi-criteria optimization

RISO Radiotherapeutic Institute in the Netherlands is one of the first RayStation users. In this video, they describe their partnership with RaySearch and how multi-criteria optimization in RayStation has helped them improve the workflow and personalize care for patients.

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